"Rock the boat, don't rock the boat, baby..." (The Hues Corporation)
On the subject of why I hardly blog anymore...
I could say I never have time... but blogging takes no longer than Snoodoku (and is less exasperatingly addictive).
I could say I've lost interest... but then I would have to pretend I don't check every day for new comments.
I could say all my introspective needs are being met elsewhere... but writing has always been my deepest form of expression.
Or maybe I could tell the truth -- that I'm a hopeless people-pleaser who's scared [blog]less of rocking anyone's boat. You see, I'm different from who I was in college, and I'm different from who I was when I got married, and I'm wildly different from who I was during childhood. I want to write about those differences and why they're important to me... but I feel like I can't on here.
Mild, grandmotherly angel on my other shoulder: "If people don't like you, you'll be sad; plus, if you rock the boat, you could fall in the water!"
Non-conformist, husbandly angel on my shoulder: "Write what you want and stop caring what others think; you're not living your life for them!"
Realizing that this blog reflects a version of me from a different era, and no longer wanting to suppress my creativity based on real or imaginary disapproval, I hereby lay this blog to rest. May it rest in peace.
If you're ready for Bethany version 2.0, ask me, and I'll send you to my new site. Just remember to bring your life vest and maybe a snorkel or two...